Friday 16 October 2015

The Long Journey Home

6 Oct 15

  • We came, we saw, we conquered and we went home...
  • Up and packed and ready to go. There was some swapping around of luggage for those who were over the limit and then off to the airport. We all booked in and would you believe that Chilly was 1 kg over the limit and had to find someone with the space to take his toiletry bag? Michelle and Ed to the rescue!
  • We had to wait around for immigration to arrive before we could go through to the departure lounge. The staff kept apologizing to us, but we just laughed and said we were on Tonga time.
  • Finally we moved through and sat and had a coffee and a bite to eat. Chilly had warned us about the meals on Virgin. Just as an aside, he forgot to warn us about the crap service on Virgin as well. Given they are the only airline to fly in and out of Tonga, beggars cannot be choosers.
  • There was a group at the table next to us and one of the guys came over and had a chat about what we were doing in Tonga as many of us were wearing our purple shirts and name tags. Steve asked him if the girl sitting at their table was from the channel 7 Sunday Show. He said no, they were from 60 Minutes and doing a story on swimming with the whales! Watch out for the show.
  • Finally we boarded the plane and had a quiet and relaxed trip home. When we arrived in Sydney, Mez was standing in front of her seat waiting for the passengers to start moving and the guy sitting behind her looked at her and said "Mr Mucka"! He said... "you were in the dance competition". Mez said yes and he said that he had clapped the loudest for her and thought she was the best and should have won. Well said that man....
  • The customs process was painless and we were through before 4pm. Mind you we did get in 40mins early. And no-one was arrested or filmed for Border Security!
  • We congregated outside the arrivals and waited for everyone to come through, only to discover that Gerry and Kathryn had cleared customs and cleared off, to fly back to Melbourne. Fond farewells were had with Grant and Geoff and they headed off to catch the train to Goulburn. Chilly thanked us all again and headed off to catch a plane to Canberra as he had an early start the following day and work to complete before his start.
  • Michelle and Ed, Phil, Stephen and Diane, and Mez, Liz and Keith headed down to Maccas to await their bus departure back to Canberra. Michelle, Ed and Phil were on the 5.15, so it was more farewells, and then the remainder of us awaited our 6.15 departure.
  • We arrived at the Jolimont Center at 9.30pm and the prebooked maxi cab was waiting to take us back to Jerrabomberra.
  • Shirley and Geoff remained in Tonga for another week or so to do a bit of sight seeing.
  • Thank you Chilly for the most satisfying and rewarding experience of a lifetime. I know I have taken the mickey out of you on more than one occasion, but you did a wonderful job as Project Leader.. not Superintendent! and I would bet my last dollar that not one person on the team would have willingly swapped their jobs for yours. Again... thanks the Chil Man....

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